What happen to your body when you have PCOD?

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease)

It's very common now a days which affects women in the reproductive age groups. It is growing like epidemic. This can occur at any age starting after the menarche up to the menopause. Almost 10% of women in the world is suffering from PCOD/PCOS. Many of the women is suffering from PCOD but they don't know it.


  • It may cause due to genetic factors, diet, lifestyle & also obesity plays a important role in causing PCOD.
  • As you know functions of the ovary is to release the egg & also the hormonal synthesis. 
  • These 2 factors get disturbed in the PCOS.
  • It also causes diabetes.

  • Symptoms of PCOS in the women include irregular periods, infertility issues, weight gain, symptoms of hyperandrogenism like main pattern hair growth, acne, oily skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance cause women to skip menstrual periods & makes it harder for them to get pregnant.
  • It also includes heavy bleeding when they get period after 2-3 months.
  • Hair growth occurs on face, body-including on back belly & chest.
  • It also includes loss of hair. Hair on the scalp gets thinner & falls out.
  • It also includes darkening of the skin. i.e., neck in the groin & under the breasts.
What happen to your body when you have PCOD?

  • Infertility.
  • Metabolic syndrome.
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Endometrial cancer.
  • Depression
Treatment for PCOD/PCOS

  • By losing just 5-10 of your body weight can helps you in regulating your menstrual cycle.
  • Weight loss can also improve the cholesterol levels lower insulin & it also reduces heart diseases and diabetes risks.
  • 20 minutes of exercise at least five days in a week helps the women to lose weight.
  • Based on the symptom's medicines can help in the irregularity of menstrual cycle & can treat PCOS/PCOD. Symptoms like hair growth & acne.
  • You must have to consult your doctor if you miss your periods or if you observe any of symptoms.
Diet for PCOD

  • Ladies with PCOD are often found to have high insulin level.
  • A diet high in refined carbohydrate can cause insulin resistance. So, you have to avoid those kinds of foods.
  • Instead of it take the good diet like jowar, bajra, amaranth & even oatmeal.
  • As all these things will regulate your insulin level & this helps in weight loss.
  • A person with PCOD must take milk but best way to take milk is in the form of curd, cheese etc.
  • First, when a person wakes up in the morning. They have to take glass of water with half lemon juice & honey.
  • Secondly, have fresh fruits have between breakfast and lunch.
  • Third, in lunch a bowl of steamed vegetables such as seasoned vegetables.
  • Fourth, in mid-afternoon take a glass of fresh fruit or lemon juice/ vegetable juice.
  • Fifth, in dinner take a large bowl of salad from fresh vegetables. Such as tomatoes, carrots, beetroots etc.
  • Sixth, at night before going to bed take a glass of milk with turmeric pinch of black pepper.
  • Special attention should be given to green leafy vegetables, berries, nuts.
  • Excessive fat foods like spicy food, tea, coffee, white sugar, refined cereals, greasy or fried food should be avoided.
  • Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day.
  • Exercise is very important for PCOD. As our lifestyle is changing so, there is lack of exercise in women's. So, try to do the exercise regularly.
  • Routine walk is recommended. walk at least 5-6 kms in a day or 10 thousand steps.
  • So, by following the above rules you can recover from PCOD.
