Foods that Ages you faster

We all need food to survive. but do you know some foods can ages you faster. Now today we are going to talk about those foods which makes you older.

Sugar: -

  1. Sugar affects the body in many ways. 
  2. It causes toothaches and can also cause diabetes.
  3. When you consume plenty of sugar its molecules tend to bind to proteins that keeps your collagen & elastin from functioning the way they supposed to.
  4. By consuming of sugar, you can develop wrinkles, dark circles & sagging skin.
  5. It also stresses your pancreas & causes inflammation.
  6. Excess intake of sugar can also lead to obesity & other serious diseases like the Alzheimer's.
Grains: -

  1. Not all grains are bad for you.
  2. Whole grains such as millets have plenty of benefits.
  3. But many of you eat cereals, breads for your snacks.
  4. It is just considered as calorie loaded junk.
  5. During the digestion process, grains are processed into sugar & cause all the same problems the sugar does.
Dairy: -

  1. In dairy product there is more amount of lactose.
  2. According to us national institutes of health. Around 65% of human population can't digest lactose properly.
  3. The reactions might not be severe in most people.
  4. Consuming lots of dairy gives our body additional & unnecessary stress.
  5. So, it leads to general inflammation, skin issues, faster ageing and a many of health conditions.
Salty foods: -

  1. One of the immediate effects of consuming too much salt is bloating & water retention.
  2. You look puffy and consequently look tired actually than you are.
  3. Salt keeps your body from Adequately hydrated. that damage DNA & accelerates in ageing.
Processed meats: -

  1. They are also high in amounts of salts.
  2. They deplete vitamin c in the body and when that happens collagen formation suffers.
  3. Meats like baked, sausage have high contents of preservatives. which could further contribute to ageing.
  4. Preservatives encourage the growth of free radicals inside the body. it leads to serious diseases like cancer.
  5. So, avoid this kind of foods as much as you can. then you can lead a healthy life.
Soda: -

  1. Soda contains 17% of the added sugar.
  2. The high amount of sugar in soft drinks can increase the risk of inflammation doubles the aging speed and also affect your teeth.
  3. The drinks with 3.0-3.99 PH are considered as erosive.
  4. Soft drinks contain high amount of caffeine which affects your sleep.
  5. As we know sleep is one of the most powerful weapons against aging.
Alcohol: -

  1. As we all know alcohol makes you older.
  2. When it comes to aging it is the usual aspect.
  3. It can cause lots of problems like loss of collagen to wrinkles, redness of the skin and poor nutrient absorption and hydration.
  4. It can also damage the lining of your stomach and intestine.
