What is Obesity? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment.

What is Obesity?

  • Obesity is a medical condition which involves in abnormal or excessive fat accumulation.
  • This gives adverse effects on your health.
  • Obesity is a modern illness now a days which is more of a lifestyle issue.
  • A lot of people try to avoid the problems that's they are facing, and they may think that they are healthy.


  • They have problems in infertility, personal issues. not only this some of the cancers are also associated with obesity. Cancer like Cervix, Uters, Ovary breast etc.
  • In current population it is move increasing incidence.
  • Many people think that it doesn't effect on your health. But it effects on many parts of our body.
  • It affects the heart, back & spine.
  • It not only effects on your lifestyle, but it also effects on your work.
  • So, it takes more days to complete your work. So, you will get totally disturbed physically and mentally.
  • When person's weight is above the ideal weight it leads to overweight and then gradually leads to obesity.
  • BMI is 30 or higher is recognized as obesity. A person with normal weight may have BMI between 18.5 to 24.9.

  • Obese doesn't come alone all the systems of body like circulatory system, digestive system & excretory system works harder.
  • Such a person will have serious like heart diseases, stroke & and type 2 diabetes.
  • They may get very problems. problems like osteoarthritis, heart burn, gall bladder, liver disorders, gynecological problems, reproductive problems, sexual issues and pain in all joints of the body are very common in obesity.
  • Obesity is caused by combination of many causes like excels of food intake lack of physical activity and genetic factors.
  • Everyone needs calories in the body by depending on their age, gender, physical activity and conditions.
  • When one person takes more calories than required, they get stored form of fat.
  • In some case obesity occurs because of hormonal disorders like. PCOD, Hypothyroidism side effects of medication, psychiatric, illness.
  • Sometimes obesity may run into families not because of they share family members generally make same lifestyle choices. i.e., eating and activity habits.
  • It may cause due to medical cause if doesn't walk or exercise it leads to obesity less active lifestyle.
  • Age can also lead to obesity.

  • Solution is not too difficult. These patients can be managed medically.
  • Surgery is very safe option for these patients, and it is proven to give a very effective weight loss over a long period of time.
  • So, they can get back to their normal life and can handle everything in a proper way.
  • It can also be treated with yoga asanas.
  • So, 4 yoga's are very important to reduce the risk of obesity. They are Ahara, Vihara, Achara and Vichara.

  1. Ahara: - In Ahara it includes diet which plays a 70% role in weight loss. so, consume food which is low in calories & digests well.
  2. Vihara: - It includes rest, re-creation, sleep exercise etc. Avoid sitting at a place for a long time. walk as much as you can.
  3. Achara: - This is about your routine. It is self-enquiry it helps in developing a relationship with one's mind.
  4. Vichara: - Your thought processes.
