Top 5 Yogas and their Benefits

                               Top 5 Yogas and their Benefits

Human personality is made up of emotions, spiritual, Mental, Physical and Social aspects.

The word "YOGA" is derived from the word "YUJ."

1. Tadasana 

  • By doing this Yog asana, we get flexibility, Stability in our body. And we get peace of mind, and we feel relax.
  • For doing this yoga, you have to keep your body in balance.
  • Then move your hands and legs towards upwards.  So, by doing this yoga we get flexibility and stableness in our body.
  • Next you have to close your eyes if you want.
  • By doing this yoga our hand, legs and shoulder muscles get stretched and we feel relaxed.

2. Trikonasana

  • This yoga is very useful for reducing the belly and back fat.
  • For doing this yoga, first you have to stretch both of your legs and then stand calmly for 2-3 minutes.
  • Then move your Right hand to the left side of your leg and move your left hand towards the upper side and have to see that hand hand for 15-30 seconds by moving your head up.
  • Then, repeat it same with your left hand also.
  • If you feel pain in your knees and back, then do it slowly.
  • By doing this yoga your body becomes fit and healthy.
  • Do this every day. But do it as much as you can.
3. Bhujang asana 

  • This yoga decreases the stiffness of lower back & it also strengthens shoulders & arms.
  • For doing this yoga have to lie on your stomach, then bring your chin to the mat & place your palms under your shoulders.
  • Inhale, then lift your chest. Hips should remain on the floor.
  • Breathe, then relax your shoulders down.
  • Press your chest forward & exhale. then gently lower your chest & bring it to the mat very slowly & with the control.
  • Rest your arms down by the sides and relax.
4. Parvatsana (or) Mountain pose

  • This yoga is also called as mountain pose.
  • It helps from removing spinal defects & helps to achieve proper spine posture by strengthening the spinal column.
  • It also helps in fat burning.
  • To begin this yoga, firstly you have to place your hands in Gyana mudra on the knee & you have to make sure that your spine should be erect & shoulders should be square back & your chin is parallel to the mat.
  • Then, close your eyes slowly and gently and make sure that keep all of your tensions away for couple of seconds.
  • Next, slowly move your hands in Namaste position close to on your chest.
  • Make sure that it should at center of your chest & your shoulders should be straight & elbows in one line.
  • Once you got absolutely straight your hands this way then you take deep inhalation & start moving your hands upwards.
  • Now you want to be mindful of stopping of the top of your head.
  • While doing this make sure that you have lock been your shoulder. place & elbows are straight.
  • Then move your hands slowly & gently above your head and then completely. your hands should be close to your ears & head.
  • Then close & eyes stay in this position for 4-5 seconds.
  • Then slowly and gently bring your hands down it in on top of your head.
  • Then back down your hands slowly and gently back in center of your chest and then release it and come back on to your knees (Gyan mudra).
  • If you have any spinal injury, neck injury, then you shouldn't practice this yoga if you are suffering from constipation or stomach ulcers then you have to avoid this practice as well.
  • Apart from that you have to daily practice this it is really beneficial.
5. Naukasana (or) Boat pose

  • This yoga is also called as Boat pose.
  • Naukasana helps in strengthening of the abdominal muscles and cures constipation.
  • It also helps in reducing belly fat.
  • It is also good for back muscles, improves blood circulation.
  • Sit on the mat with your legs fully extend it. bend your knees and Leen your toes so back.
  • Extend your arms in front of you and raise both legs 45 degrees angle. arms should be parallel to the floor.
  • Breathe out as your release the pose and the relax.
